Two Bowies - Part 8 - Kestrel


The last week I finished both sheaths and this time I did not need to make any new tools and everything went pretty much as it should. So today just a few pictures and some words.

The kestrel was not an easy design choice, it was in some ways more difficult to make than the picture of a roe deer on one of my previous knives (see the gallery).

However the sheath in simple shades of brown does match the colors of the handle nicely.

To dye the spalted wood prior to stabilization has proven to be a good choice. It is not dyed completely throughout and shus has acquired an additional marbling effect. Stabilized polypores proved to be usable materials, although the do have their pros and cons.

Decorative nut finishes it all adequately

It is an old and tried design for an outdoor knife. During this or the next week I will give for sale in my webshop.