Blog about manufacturing, tools, and machines

Whilst work on knives progressed very slowly these last few weeks, this week unfortunately I could not work on them at all. Only today I had a bit of time and strength, but it was not worth it to start doing something about knives too much. So I did a bit of work on the forge at least.

This week I did not do much, I am currently overwhelmed with other work and knives had to be put somewhat on a backburner. To glue the bigger knife took a bit longer than I expected – a lot of resin soaked into the wood so I had to fill the hollow twice. Thus it took four days instead of two....

Both knives are glued together and the handles are fully shaped. I sanded the surfaces to 400 grit and now I am in the process of applying the finishing layer of epoxy resin.

This week I have finally reached the gluing phase of the manufacturing process for both knives, although I was in part hindered by working with experimental materials. Resin stabilized conk is an interesting-looking material but it is hard and brittle. Before I figured out how to work with it, I destroyed several pieces. But that is the price for...

It looked like I would be able to do most of the work on the handle for the smaller knife but then I messed up and I had to correct a few mistakes before I got into a state where I could show something. But I can show you the process of making decorative screws/nuts for the end of the...

I finished all time-sensitive work and the weather should go bad now so hopefully, I will advance the work on the two bowie knives this week. In the meantime, I prepared the wood for handles and when I was at it, I experimented a little. If it goes bad, I will have to use different pieces of wood, but that is always the risk....

Aukro Auctions


Unfortunately, I did not do much knifemaking and I won't for a few more weeks. I have other, urgent duties right now. However, I managed to give my last three knives for auction.

I had some hiccups with my auction account so my last three knives still are not for sale. In the meantime, I am going to continue to make new knives. I still have several naked blades that need finishing. Now I wish to continue with two bowie blades.

"Black Wolf"


The third knife I wish to present here is "Black Woolf". A big camping/hunting knife with a curved blade. This time a full-length tang with a wooden handle. The blade is from spring steel 54SiCr6 blackened with oak bark extract.

"Wild Boar"


Starting the auctions was unfortunately delayed, Aukro is still in the process of transforming my account from personal to business.