Two Bowies - Part 6


This week I did not do much, I am currently overwhelmed with other work and knives had to be put somewhat on a backburner. To glue the bigger knife took a bit longer than I expected – a lot of resin soaked into the wood so I had to fill the hollow twice. Thus it took four days instead of two.

I made an impromptu stand where two boards held together with rubber bands allowed me to quickly and easily fix the knife in a vertical position and eventually also put it in the vacuum chamber. It worked very well so I replaced the rubber bands with a steel spring and a hinge and the stand joined my growing collection of fixtures to simplify the work.

After I buffed the handles, on the bigger one appeared a crack or maybe a scratch that needs to be repaired. In the meantime, I can start working on the sheaths, which will begin by drawing the decorative designs.