Cutting Boards - Part 17
Like I wrote last week, pure jatoba boards were getting on my nerves a bit so I decided to add some color. Literally – I am making boards with two colors.

The palette with offcuts contained some wood other than jatoba. With the wood in the picture, I am about 90% sure it is garapa. Just like jatoba it is a wood from the bean family, originates from South America and because it has similar physical properties (hardness) it has the same use (furniture, flooring). Unfortunately, all these prisms have rounded edges so I had to cut off a lot of material. I also cut to square the same amount of jatoba prisms that were too skinny for other uses.

I did the gluing at home again, making striped blocks of wood. When it was drying near the wall, it reminded me of modern urban apartment buildings.

Unfortunately, I did not advance with the work further than that. It is freezing and it is not worth it to heat the workshop every day. However, as soon as the glue cured I moved my work to the workshop and this week I plan to flatten the blocks and cut them into stripes. After that,t I will be gluing again in the comfort of my living room.